Mosquito Control 2023-2025
The prospective areas sought for 2023 through 2025 total 14 103 ha. Spanning 4 county administrative boards and their 7 respective municipalities:
Dalarna: 699 ha in Avesta;
Västmanland: 1 070 ha in Sala;
Gävleborgs: 4 233 ha in Sandviken and 2 309 ha in Gävle;
Uppsala: 4 322 ha in Heby, 1 139 ha in Tierp and 331 ha in Älvkarleby
Permits have been granted for all areas except in three Natura 2000-sites in Gävleborgs län.
The “Overview” map below shows all of the applied frame areas for 2023-2025 floodwater mosquito control (approved treatment areas are shown dark blue while red indicates areas where application was denied). There are also detailed maps for each municipality (frame areas within the actual municipality in dark blue, areas in other municipalities in light blue). Some additional exclusions can occur when landowners deny permission.